Due to the current COVID restrictions, it is difficult to provide information with any accuracy and forward planning. We do remain optimistic however that the following will take place in some form or another before the year's end.

SAP and SDS Trials
These dates are given to us each year by FNSW and are usually late October or Early November in any given 'normal' season. Stay tuned for these dates if a trial is allowed to eventuate.
Until then expressions of interest can be made here -

Summer Soccer
This season's comp is penciled in from October 25th 2021 through December 17th 2021. For Juniors and Seniors.
This of course is subject to change on government measures and restrictions.
Rego is open and can be made without any payment until the season is a definite starter.

SDS and Skills Academy - Term 4
Again the similar dates as above are in play and hopefully can restart sometime from the middle of October onward.

School Holiday Camp
No holiday camp will be undertaken in SEP/OCT Holiday period. This will be available again in the Christmas School Holidays.

Stay Safe everyone and hopefully see you on the pitch very soon!

Andrew Smith